For those of you of don't know me, I'm Ser3ndipity. I'm a 20-something year old trying to figure out life and blogging my experiences along the way. I started a 'year in the life of' blog in 2009 (there's a link at the bottom of the page) which will remain as it was intended - a 1yr blog following a really turbulant time in my life. This is a continuation of that and while I have no idea where this blog will take me, I invite you to sit down at the table and grab a spoon.

Thursday, 20 March 2014
Still Blogging...
For those of you who were following here but felt I had stopped blogged here's the latest link. I've gone through a few quiet phases since this whole thing began back at NY 2009 and a lot has happened since then. Keep following:
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
To keep following this blog, click below
Link to Ser3ndipity 2013:
Link to Ser3ndipity 2013:
Monday, 31 December 2012
End of an Era
Well I can safely say that 2012 has been one of those years that will be completely forgettable with time. For the record - it was crap. On the plus side my NY resolution to pass my driving test was completed so at least a girl has something to smile about :)
Not sure what I'm up to tonight as I had planned to hit the town with Red and one of her friends but this seems to have migrated into a girly night in which although is something I enjoy pretty much zeros me bringing in 2013 with a bang. Balloo called me last night however and 3hours later I'm left knowing that what I really want to do is head to his city and go party like it is 2005 and I was still living there lol. I don't like letting people down however so I will do the right thing and stay here but watch this space, I'm already tapping him up for a place to crash next weekend so I can take on NY part 2.
So what is this year gonna bring and what will this look like for you blog readers? Ok so things have slid for a while in terms of posting so I'm gonna up the ante again come the NY and keep you up to speed as I've been doing quite a lot but haven't been sharing the drama - where is the fun in that!?!?!
So until next year over and out (oh, and comment what you would like to see me blog about below and I will pick up each and every one in Jan)
Have a great one!
Monday, 17 December 2012
Wellington Boots & The Rain
So the last 48hrs have been crazy!
I met Clerk on Friday and we had a great time, good food, good wine, good company. I have to say I still can't work the whole thing out. I didn't expect to have any kind of feelings for him but there is definitely something there and I get the impression that he is experiencing a similar thought process but neither of us were willing to risk it for a biscuit on Friday. That said however we are going to meet as soon as our schedules match in the New Year so I will keep you up to date.
Work wise the proverbial seems to have hit the fan and with only 2 office days left before people start to go their seperate ways for Christmas, I had better get my ass into a higher gear. Easier said than it sounds however as last night was pretty restless for one reason or another - temperature, work, a conversation I had had with Beef, things with Clerk rolling around in my head.
The big and completely worrying news of the last couple of days however is that having moved mum to the perfect house just under 6 months ago where we had planned she would stay for the rest of her days... the house owner has seriously screwed up their finances and mum recieved a letter from the letting agency this morning to tell her that the property was being put on the market and it was not guaranteed that it would be sold a buy to let opportunity. Mum is devestated. This time of year is hard enough for her as it is but with the news this morning she is in floods of tears and has already begun packing up. She has also told me that she feels she shouldn't come for Christmas either as she needs to 'look for somewhere' - all of these actions are code red for 'mum is about to have another episode of depression'. It is a total disaster! Dads death date is just around the corner, she was just beginning to feel settled, get off her medication and enjoy life and now this. Don't get me wrong, I will as usual take care of everything, the packing, finding her somewhere, everything! but at the same time keeping her on track will be a nightmare. I've already spoken to my brother who tends to fuel the fire the wrong way in situations like this to do some mum damage control but he had already spoken with her so I was too late. If I was in a stable financial situation I would just go and get a mortgage but I am sooooooooooo far from there it is unbelievable.
Time to take a massive deep breath and get ready for what had started out as a really relaxing holiday period and is likely to turn into a total frickin stressful nightmare. So much for lucky 13.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Lucky 13
It seems this last week or so I've had something like luck around me. I've had a few really great nights out, I've made a really great new friend in Beef, my body is starting to take shape in the way I want it, I entered a competition through one of our suppliers with work and won dinner for 2 at an Italian and this morning as part of a work incentive 25 names were pulled out of a hat (over 1800 employees) and mine was the first to be drawn. Ok so there was an iPad, a 50inch TV and lots of 'Ohhhh I would love that' prizes to be won and I landed an xbox360 (something I already own and will struggle to send for any decent money) but come on!! This is like a spurt of luck, I never get lucky! Lets hope this is a sign of things to come :)
So I promised you some details about my old flatmate that I'm meeting tonight and so details you shall have. First however lets give him a nickname in true Ser3ndipity style... Clerk (the street we first lived on).
So I had just moved back to the city I went to University at the first time around, it was in typical Ser3ndipity style... I woke up one morning, packed my bags, left my job and headed 'home' in search of good old friends, new experiences and another adventure. I found a flatshare online, went to see the room and immediately took it. I was to share with 4 others and a couple of their permenantly residing partners. A girl in her mid 20s from Perth Scotland, a girl in her late 20s from South Africa and her bf, a guy from Essex and his gf and a guy from Michegan USA (I've told you about him before). Anyway a couple of weeks after moving in Mr Michegan who I had been having a fun-filled fling with had to go back to the States so his room went up and Clerk moved in a week or so later. Clerk at that time was rather quiet inside the flat, didn't socialise too much but seemed socially active in his own circle. A few months went by and my relationship with Clerk had turned into one of amusement, we would wind each other up, grab the occasional coffee and we struck up a bit of a bond. Around 6months later our flat was being sold (from what I can remember) so with offers from both Clerk and the girl from Perth to search for somewhere we decided that the 3 of us would look together.
A few stressful 'OMG we are never finding anywhere decent that we can afford' later, I finally stumbled upon a potential option. The flat was in the perfect location, was nothing special to look at but the rent was cheap-ish and best of all we wouldn't need a car to move... just a heap of manpower. A few days later packed up and moved in. The flat had a cupboard for a kitchen and a teeny dining room off that which we decided would be the communal living space, a small but functional bathroom and 3 bedrooms - 2 absolutely massive with fireplaces and bay windows, double beds, large wardrobes and sofas, 1 with an old springy army camp bed and roll-up matress, a small set of drawers and a tall narrow window. We decided we would draw straws for the rooms and would swap every 3 months... guess which room I ended up with?! Anyway I made the landlord put in a double bed which took up pretty much the entire room and I set up camp telling the others I would keep the room permanently if they both paid an extra £20 a month rent to make mine cheaper. It was a crash pad, a place for me to sleep and nothing else. These were my wild child days and so long as I could get a decent nights sleep, I was a happy girl and £40 a month... well that was a night out.
Clerk and I really got to know each other over the next few months and our relationship verged on sibling rivalry. We would have bets over the silliest things, the loser having to do a dare or pick up some crappy task (laundry for a week, dishes for a month, say a certain phrase anytime someone said your name for a day...), we were always pranking each other too. From the first day I realised Clerk would jump AND scream if you jumped out from round the corner it was 'game on'.
Now something you should know about Clerk is that he was a Christian when I met him so things like betting, dares, dating and all the things that come along with that were in limited measures. By the time I left however things were at such a way that he had dated one of my best friends, enjoyed all the things that came along with that, and our dares had reached epic highs with him streaking down the communal stairwell and doing a naked lap around the garden during a Christmas dinner the three of us hosted for ohhhh 14 of our closest friends.
So in short, we had a laugh, somehow managed to perfect the perfect flatshare environment and when we moved out all vowed to stay in touch... Which we are but as for meeting up... Terrible. Until last week...
I did my annual 'Hey Clerk how are you doing' email check in and as usual we said we would try to meet the next time he was this way to visit his parents (they live 30miles away) and for once.. It actually played out.
It was a fantastic afternoon. All the fun and none of the barriers we used to have due to the fact I've mellowed and he has become more outgoing. In true Ser3ndipity and Clerk fashion however we had a bet somewhere in the afternoon and Clerk picked the dare to be 'the loser comes to the winners city for drinks soon'... very tame I thought but great to hear we were both on the same wavelength of 'We absolutely must do this again and soon'. Anyway a few hours and a few drinks later we called it a day and headed to the train station. This is when it all went a little weird. I went in for a hug, he went in for a hug/kiss... We both went a shade of red and it was a little clumsy. He then pulled his phone out (very organised for mr laid back) and before I knew it we had sorted out tonight - he is jumping through this evening for dinner/drinks at mine. A couple of light hearted but potentially flirty texts in the week or so in between and here we are. The 'did I misread that situation or did something unexpected happen and we both got a - I think I might fancy him/her' moment.
Sooo red wine - check. White wine - check, chocolate pots chilling in the fridge - check, mexican food ingredients in the fridge - check.
I'll let you know how it goes... Could have been a total misread but I've a feeling that tonight for both of us is somehow a 'getting a feel for the situation' moment.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Crash Land
Hey bloggers!
So it has been a crazy month or so and between poor health, a smashed laptop and a heap of work I have well and truly let things slide with the blog :\ Never fear however, I am back now and have lots of bits and bobs to tell you, talk about and generally procrastinate over this next while.
- Work wise I'm still plodding along, no real big steps or changes coming up before Christmas although I have two potential job offers lingering in the background so I shall keep you updated.
- Social life wise things are on the up, despite an ever tightening wallet and an ever decreasing bank balance after everything that has gone on this last week or so I've been out and about a heap and am feeling great for it - more fun and nights out on the cards. Red has moved back to the city after having worked away the last 12months so we having been catching up, hanging out and generally having a lot of fun of late. I've also managed to catch up with balloo, g-star, mercury and a few others :)
- Love life wise things have been well... not interesting as such but there are a few things going on. Radiohead is coming to see me the first week in January, G-star and I had a mini moment, nothing to write about but I think there might be something there that deserves some exploration. OOJ has been his usual 'mess with your head' self and there is a seriously attractive guy at work that has smiled at me in passing. I'm also now in touch with a guy from USA who we shall call Beef due to the fact he is seriously hot! He is married and everything is platonic but he has made me realise that you can have it all if you really want. He is charming, gorgeous, has a decent job, a beautiful house and wife and two awesome kids. I feel like the UK needs a few more men like this one!
- The real news however is that I met with and caught up with an old flatmate of mine from 6/7yrs ago early last week, we had a fantastic time and we are meeting again this Friday. I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow, but in short... I have an inkling that Friday might hold a couple of unexpected turns
Twin Atlantic - Crash Land
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Bridesmaid Bartering
So the psychic is coming tonight and I am truly apprehensive. The others coming seem to have been to a couple before and have loved it but all I have visions of is some creepy lady telling me horrible things and leaving something behind when she leaves - why did it have to be my flat? I know I am the only one that lives in town (as we all know I am a postcode snob) but I'm feeling very edgy about it.
Don't get me wrong I think a lot of these people are just very adept at reading people and putting out hot and cold feelers, something I utilise in my day to day working life, but with a seriously long waiting time to book this woman and a heap of people raving about her I'm more inclined to think she might have something going on. I'll keep you informed.
Other than that I got my first bridesmaid task today (the first of many I have been told). I need to call the two potential wedding venues and haggle my little socks off. Herb has found her ideal and backup options and has already taken prices and haggled somewhat but we both know this is where my skills truly lay so I'm now being sent in as covert OPs. I am going to call independently and see what I can do in relation to the figures. Then phase one is complete. Phase two comes in to play when we go and see the places later this month - on the phone I'm good but in person I'm a demon. Herb and Barron have a tight budget so we are going to tag team the negotiations. They will take it as far as they can with the use of their parents and then I will be sent in as the secret weapon. Lets hope I'm as good at this as we are all hoping.
Friday, 16 November 2012

So tomorrow is psychic night. I've got a few people coming over for drinks/nibbles and a session with a supposedly brilliant psychic. We had to book her months ago! Will be good to catch up with everyone and I'm hoping I get given a tasty titbit for what lays ahead. The last two psychics I went to see both told me I would die in my early 30s - harsh! Needless to say I haven't seen one for over 10yrs.

In random news I've had a sore achy jaw for the last 2 days. Very bizzare! Watch me wake up with lock jaw one day this week :/
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Just A Simple Case Of...
Girl meets boy. Boy sweeps girl off her feet. Girl falls deeply and madly in love only to get her heart broken by Boy. Girl picks herself up. Girl meets boy. Boy tries to change girl into something she isn't. Girl dumps boy. Boy plays emotional tag with girl. Girl is sucked in and tells boy she might consider giving it another go. Boy tells girl he loves her. Boy disappears. Girl is left thinking wtf just happened.
Top that off with a lack of jobs, a lack of money, Christmas holidays around the corner, a serious case of the winter romance/sex blues, crappy health for a little while and there you have it bloggers... the last few weeks of my life in a nutshell.
Back tomorrow with some of my usual Ser3ndipity tasty treats cause this girl is officially on a mission to turn her life around before Feb. Sexy blogs and fun times ahoy. x
Paris - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals
Monday, 29 October 2012
Half In & Half Out
I'm still contemplating running.
Last night I removed myself from every social media site I'm part of, deleted all my social networking apps and grabbed my lease from the kitchen drawer to see the earliest date I could jump ship.
I don't really have that many things since moving into this flat, what I do have would probably get me by a month or so, I've a heap of annual leave pay from work to take and I know mum would take the cats. I would need to say goodbye to a few people and make sure I came back for Herb & Barron's wedding but other than that I'd be no worse off anywhere else than here.
Maybe sometimes in life it is good to throw caution to the wind and cleanse your soul.
But what cleanses my soul...
- Music
- Swimming
- Fresh air
- Candlelight
- The ocean
I'm going to jump in the car this weekend and head to one of the two places I go when I really need to think things through. Yep, I think I need to sort out my head and start checking off my list of people to see.
Courrier - Between
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Holding On & Letting Go
I've been pretty sick for this last little while which is why I haven't been blogging. I'm not completely back on form yet and am sleeping most the day but thought I should check in.

Right now it's like I can't breathe.
So here's what I never told you about in my blog before... I'm someone with well... I have to fight with my own body a lot of the time and right now I think it might be winning.

I just need to take a deep breath of air. Fresh, cold and icy on my lungs.
Ross Copperman - Holding On & Letting Go
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Guitar Soothes The Soul
A lot has happened since I last wrote bloggers, but tonight isn't the night.
Sometimes the only think you need in life is some time to contemplate things in your own head space and the perfect track...
Sometimes the only think you need in life is some time to contemplate things in your own head space and the perfect track...
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