Have you ever had one of those dreams where you wake up the next morning and you start to re-assess your thoughts on something/someone because of it?

The dream itself seemed to split into two halves, the first was a night out the day we arrived, just my team and I, we hit some kind of underground club we danced the night away yet bizarrely when someone spoke we could hear each other talk without shouting. I can't really remember how, but at some point while I was standing next to a guy in my team and we were being pushed closer and closer together as people passed we ended up holding hands... just fingertips. It was intense and yet innocent and before the night had ended we kissed. A secret kiss, in the background.
The second half of the dream skipped to the next day. Everyone was awake and we were preening and pruning for the next night out. My eyes kept catching his (the guy I had kissed) but I kept looking away, nervous that the others would know what had happened and would judge me harshly for taking advantage of someone who worked for me. Pretending however, turned out to be pointless. It was clear from the looks on the girls faces and the conversations said in nothing but little whispers that everyone knew exactly what was going on and somehow seemed to have seen it coming. I found him close by the rest of that day, catching my fingertips when no one was looking and by the look on his face hoping I would catch his back. I didn't, but I didn't stop him either.
From then on the dream gets a little blurry... I know we all headed to a giant supermarket to track down baby gifts and caused havoc running about the aisles giggling but then it just ended.
It wasn't a steamy dream (not that I tend to have those for some reason) and it wasn't an overly romantic or serious dream either, but the fingertip hand holding has definitely lingered in my mind since I woke.

Its really funny how dreams can stir things in your mind and knock you off kilter when you least expect it. I'm open to suggestions of interpretation if anyone feels the need. I'm not convinced it is a dream of secret lusty feelings tho :p
Joseph Arthur - In The Sun
Just for the record... word was sooooooooooo weird!