Monday 13 June 2011

Crash Bang Whollop

I managed to dislocate my shoulder again! This torn rotary cuff malarkey is anything but fun. This time it was pretty bad and so I couldn't pull my usual  'lethal weapon' stunt and bite my lip as I hit my arm off a wall to get it back in and needed to take a trip to A&E - I waited hours,  I swear, having worked  as a nurse and being fully aware of the goings on in A&E, despite my best efforts to be pro-NHS, the hospital closest to me is seriously lacking as every single experience I have had there has been terrible!

Anyhow bloggers, writing today is a bit difficult and a lot painful so I shall keep it short today, but I shall be back tomorrow when we shall discuss the topic of assisted suicide as that seems to be the buzz at the moment between the soaps and Terry Pratchett's recent announcement that he will be seeking such assistance in the future as he has alzhimer's disease and doesn't want to spend his twilight years in a state of confusion.

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