Tuesday 7 June 2011

Forgot to Remember

I'm going to use today's blog to tick off the things that I forgot to remember to update you on including completing some of the suggested blogs in the You Decide post last month.  One suggestion was go to over my firsts and so Anonymous, thanks for your suggestion and here you go...

First Kiss
I know I was pretty old in relation to everyone else when I had my first kiss, as even back then I sought the magical.  I was however nothing but disappointed.  I wanted to wait for the perfect guy in the perfect moment for my first kiss (for some reason my first kiss always meant more to me than having sex for the first time), in reality none of this happened. 

I was 14 when I had my first kiss.  The guy was cute, pretty quiet, athletic and was never off his bike and yes, in true small town/group of young friends fashion had previously dated two of my friends (before I met them a few years before - I had moved 400miles with my parents).  One night after hanging out down the beach he cycled along as I walked to stay at one of my friends houses.  I was talking to the two girls and said I was nervous  as we hadn't yet kissed and was met with giggles from one who said he was a terrible kisser and an awkward smile from the other as she had the hots for him.

Right then and there I decided I would dump him as a terrible kisser wasn't what I wanted for my first magical moment with a boy.  However before I knew what was happening my friends had run into the house, he had parked his bike against a wall and I was about to embark on my first kiss. It was terrible!  Imagine a washing machine with a snake caught inside trying to get out. It was slurpy, fast, invasive and very, very repetitive.  I dumped him a few days later.

I imagine he must be much better at kissing these days has he is now a professional mountain biker and while in a serious relationship has never been short of offers for a repeat performance.

First Job
I always tried to make money growing up from making and selling friendship bracelets to cleaning cars and I guess the skills I learnt here stood me in good stead in my first hourly rate job as a window sales person.

At age 14 while most people went to work in the local supermarket or in hotels/restaurants I got a job in the industrial estate cold calling houses from the telephone book to sell them double glazing and if that failed anything else that could be made from PVC.

I was the youngest person in the small office of about 12 people, the oldest being 22ish before you got to management (all in their 40s).  I earned something like £2.50 an hour which was more than any of my friends and made commission on any sales (I don't think I ever made commission).  I had a target to get 10 leads a night and worked for 3 hours a night 4 nights a week. It was surreal and my vocabulary widened ten fold in the first few days.  I think if the people at the other end of the phone had any idea how old I was they would have been appalled and ashamed at some of the responses I received. 

The worst part of the job was one of the managers called Phil (nope I'm not going to hide his name) he was creepy and a tad flirty and everyone saw him as a bit of a joke, he never did anything untoward though.  The best part at that age was calling a number where someone had a comedy answer machine at which point you would mark it in the phone book and it would be rung 2/3 times a week for light relief in the office.

Right that's your lot for today.  I may do two more firsts tomorrow.

PS:  I said I'd keep you up to date with any chat from the guy at the training I met that looked like Dave Grohl and I forgot until now.  He confirmed me as a friend and has a gf.  He is still a cool cookie.

I hate this guy but this song is appropriate
Mika - Teenage Dreams

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