Wednesday 8 June 2011


I thought I would continue my 'Firsts' for a second day and so here you go:

First Love
When I was around seven or eight I developed my first crush. 

He was a boy in my year at school and sat across the room from me in class.  I thought he was beautiful.  Unlike the rest of the boys in the year, his skin was was a deep dark chocolate brown as his parents had moved to the UK from Africa.  He had perfetly white teeth, a smile that lit up his entire face, and to top it off he was without a doubt the best baseball player I had ever seen. 

I loved playing baseball during P.E at school, somewhat because during that time I became one of the special few who were able to use the fully elongated baseball bat rather than the shortened fatter version that made hitting easier. Mostly because the boy I thought was practically perfect in every way would hand my my bat with the most gorgeous smile in the world and cheer me round the field as I attempted a home run.  He was beautiful.

First Flat
My first flat was a dorm at University that I shared with five others, four unknowns and a fifth who I had gone to high-school with an unbeknown to me at the time had requested we be located together.  I lived in a small single room where 90% of the furniture was attached to the wall/floor and shared a small, depressing MDF kitchen/dining/living room area.  I'd always been an independent sole and so while I missed my parents I really enjoyed taking the first steps towards adulthood, the others didn't take the move so well.

Two of the girls became exceptionally homesick and so needed constant attention which began to test my patience after the first few weeks.  The girl from my home town seemed to be on a one woman mission to sleep her way around campus during the first month and the fifth girl was antagonistic and drunk 99% of the time.  It wasn't an ideal scenario, and certainly wasn't what I expected dorm life to be like, yet despite it allwe had some great times those first few weeks.

Shortly after this however,  one of the homesick girls started to act very strange.  She would get up in the morning and eat a bowl full of jelly babies she had soaked in vodka from the night before, spend her evenings singing karaoke in the living room by herself and  to top it off had stopped eating.  I was worried about her as was the rest of the flat and so we decided one of us should talk to her,I was allocated the job.  The rest of what happened is a bit hazy but I will try to make it all make sense.

I spoke with little miss strange that evening and discovered she had a few years previously been admitted to hospital on psychiatric grounds.  Despite being in a fit mental state when she came to University this had rapidly begon to decrease as she had self prescribed a reduction in her medication to allow for an increased intake of alcohol.  After our talk she agreed she would try to sort herself with our support.  Happy in the response the rest of the girls headed out for a night on the town and I hit the hay as I had work the next day.  

A few hours later I found little miss strange marching up and down the hallway singing to steps (yes steps, tragedy if I remember correctyl), covered in layers upon layers of unravelled toilet roll and crying her eyes out.  I went to see if she was ok but before I could speak she grabbed a knife out of the kitchen draw and ran at me with the intention to stab.  I lept into my room, sat against the door grabbed my phone and called the housing officers emergency number and my flatmates.  Little miss strange was collected by her parents the next day. 

The remaining flatmates in the calm of the storm started to bitch and fight amongst themselves daily, making the flat an awful place to stay.

I contacted the housing office and unofficially moved flat to the only other available in the two blocks making me flatmate six in a boys dorm where ironically my new University boyfriend (later to be known to you guys as Clutz) lived.  I guess things maybe do happen for a reason. 

In case you were interested little miss scary returned to University at the next intake and successfully completed her course.

Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity

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