Wednesday 29 June 2011

A Game Of Truths

I'm currently on day three of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and here is where it has got me:
  • Friends: Wonka was having a difficult time last night with her breakup again despite weeks of being on form, and as I've seen a lot of her recently I couldn't handle being her shoulder.  Where I would have made an excuse normally to save her feelings I simply responded honestly.  I felt an arse.
  • The Result:  Today she said 'thanks for being a really good friend'.

  • Work: My shoulder has been popping in and out and has somehow managed to trap a nerve in my neck making the last 72hrs agony.  I took AL last night last min and cleared it with my colleagues (it wasn't a problem as my team are in training all week so don't need a poc, and all my admin is up to date), tonight however as my boss is back I text her to say I was looking to do the same.  Now normally I may have left out the details, but remember I said I wouldn't omit anything.  
  • The result:  My boss has said I can't take TOIL or AL for something like this and it would need to be processed as absence (makes no sense to me at all as it has no impact on anyone).  So I'm left with the decision of whether to go in and suffer immense pain or to be sick.  I'm seriously angry at either prospect as it makes no sense to me at all.  Furious!
So as you can see, so far the results have been a little unusual.  The thing I thought would cause the most pain/hassle actually turned out ok and the the thing I thought would make no difference has left me seething and set to call a meeting with my boss next time she is in the office to explain her rationale.

I am really in turmoil about what I should do though, I mean I can walk, talk etc just fine and in fact if I could roll to work as I am just now in PJs wearing no makeup with crappy hair then I am sure I could function just fine, but getting dressed, being able to put up my hair and well, everything required before leaving the house is just... well impossible.  Urgh!

I think despite being perfectly capable in some ways the bad most definitely is outweighing the good and I'm going to have to be processed as sick.  I am not a happy bunny!


  1. so what does one do if lies have ruined what r'ships that have been built?

  2. I would say it depends on the lie and the relationship.


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