I need to shake things up a little.
I'm doing heaps at the moment but am a little bit bored with it all. I think in reality it all boils down to the fact I didn't go on holiday this year *sigh. Anyway this weekend despite the necessity for it to be a cheap one is filled with entertainment so that should perk me up:

In the evening a few people coming over for dinner and drinks (Wonka, Six, Waves, Pooch) which should help a little. Six is only just back from a stint back home in the states and Waves and Pooch have just come back from two weeks in Vegas so there should be lots to talk about.
I'm meeting someone I went to high-school with and a bunch of other people for a couple of drinks in the afternoon and then we are heading to a band exhibit. In the evening I'm heading over to Red's for cocktails and a catchup.
I'm catching up with a couple of people in the morning and then I am back to work in the afternoon. Sunday evening I'm going to meet Wonka for coffee as she has a second date this weekend so it will be the great debrief lol
Is it just me, or does my weekend sound full but at the same time pretty dull? Yes, I think come payday I need to shake things up a LOT
Buckcherry - Crazy Bit*h
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